Why Do I think Google Chrome is leading the browser market at this time? Please take a look at the following screenshots of the default browser "blank" page of Chrome, IE, and FireFox. Chrome's page offers much more information and applications (although all Google's) including search, social networking, email, notification, and many other Google online services, with simple access.
Chrome 35

(Update: you can even customize the apps to see in the top right corner.)
IE 11

FireFox 25

Chrome is clearly going beyond a traditional browser. It is growing into a versatile online service client, or Google service client, or, what I prefer, the personal web portal. While IE and FireFox have not jumped out the pure browser concept, Chrome clearly separates itself and heading to a new direction. There are still a lot of things to improve on this "browser homepage" and I hope IE and FireFox can catch up.
Cool. I think Chrome is one of the best browsers for developers as well since it has so far the best developer's tool(Inspect element) and some useful plugins.
I used safari it includes a powerful set of tools that make it easy to modify, debug, and optimize a website for peak performance and compatibility. To access these tools, enable the Develop menu in Safari’s advanced preferences.
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